Starting off, this game wasn't made by Nintendo, sadly it's an "off brand" game, which means that the company can change whatever they want with the game, as long as it's still carrying the game name and the main characters. I mean seriously no one would like it if you just killed of Link, that would end Link and Zelda's adorable relationship! It would leave Zelda heartbroken on the steps of her castle and the whole story line would be RUINED! Anyways I have a few spoilers for the game if you haven't already played it. I also have some pictures that I'm sure will be appealing to the eye *wink wink*
First things first, the new LoZ game added a new character into the game named Lana... no one really knows where she came from she just appeared in the game play. Don't ask why, it just happened. Anyways, getting into the other characters, they added an enormous amount of playable characters, originally it was just Link, Midna, and Wolf Link. But only Link in most of the games, excluding Twilight Princess. A few of the new playable characters are Impa, totally O.P Zelda, Link (of course), and Darunia. (if you don't remember who Darunia is, he was first introduced in Ocarina of Time, the big Goron that wouldn't give you the fire stone, yea pretty annoying, I know). If you want to check out the other characters and some awesome game play check out the official website
The second thing I wanted to say was about Nintendo… a lot of people have been saying that Nintendo as a whole has began to slow down… in everything. Their being really slow in actually releasing new games, and most of them are just the re-platformed games… a.k.a Super Smash Bros for the 3DS. I’m not against the game or anything, I actually happen to love SSB, buuuut… they’re really not releasing any high quality games anymore. What do you guys think? Leave some comments and tell me what you think about Nintendo's progress and their chosen dates to release new games. Also feel free to tell me what you thought about the New LoZ game, if you’ve played it or if you think it’s going to be good!
Thanks for reading! Stay awesome my friends!
- Quix
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